Subnets sequencing commitments

Context/prerequisite: Based rollup design

Notation glossary:

  • H - a hash function, e.g. SHA256, or blake, (see discussion here re zk-friendly hashes)
  • MT(x_1,x_2...,x_k) - the Merkle tree derived from x_1,...,x_k, with some implicit hash function H
  • MR(x_1,x_2...,x_k) - the root of the above Merkle Tree
  • SQC(B) - the “sequencing commitment” field of block B
  • B.sp - the selected parent of the block B


In Kaspa’s based rollup design we suggested introducing a new field, which serves as a sequencing commitment (previously referred to as the history root).
The new field is recursively defined as follows: let B be a block, and let t_1...t_n be all of B's accepted transactions (more accurately, the tx-hash or tx-id of those, to be determined at a later stage), in the order they were accepted in.
Ignoring initialization of the first block in the smart contracts hardfork, the new field SQC(B) is:

SQC(B)=H(SQC(B.sp),t_1, t_2...t_n),^1

as illustrated below:

To prove the progression of this field between a selected chain block Src and a selected chain block Dst matches the progression of the rollup, the prover requires all txs that were accepted between both of them as private inputs - inputs that the prover of a statement requires to produce a proof, but the verifier of that proof does not.
More formally, these are all txs that were accepted on a selected chain block in the future of Src and in the past of Dst, including Dst itself.

This scheme is perfectly functional, but it has the following inefficiency: a prover of a certain rollup, is really only interested in those txs that are directed to their rollup. All other txs, and any block that accepted no tx associated with this rollup, are “noise” from their point of view.
Yet in order to prove they are not associated with the rollup, provers are forced to take those as private inputs, increasing their runtime complexity.

In particular, if a rollup is only active once every 5 minutes, it would still have to go through the entire selected chain and all transactions accepted on it.
I explore below a method to represent a particular rollup history in a more concise manner.

Separate Subnet Histories

A rollup is represented by a field in the transaction called subnetId, and we refer to each rollup as a “subnet”. Our suggestion (courtesy of @michaelsutton) is that SQC have an inner structure representing the different subnets’ histories.

For a block B, and for each subnet i, let t_{i_1}...t_{i_k} be those transactions within B's accepted txs t_1, t_2...t_n that belong to subnet i.

We say a subnet i is active at block B, if there ever in history was an accepted transaction belonging to subnet i prior or at block B (this permanent definition of activeness will be relaxed below).

We can recursively define an abstract field: if block B accepted no txs of subnet i this field takes the same value as its selected parent, i.e. SQC_i(B)=SQC_i(B.sp).
Otherwise, SQC_i(B)=H(SQC_i(B.sp),t_{i_1},...t_{i_k}), or simply SQC_i(B)=H(t_{i_1},...t_{i_k}), if SQC_i(B.sp) was previously undefined. Lastly,

SQC(B)=MR(SQC_i(B)|\textit{i is active as of block } B),

meaning the Merkle root of the sequencing commitments of all active subnets.

The prover of subnet i now only requires the accepted txs between Src and Dst that belong to subnet i, as well as witnesses to prove the inclusion of SQC_i(Src), SQC_i(Dst) in SQC(Src) and SQC(Dst). These two witnesses are of logarithmic size in the number of subnets active in the network.

This prover now has O(A_i+\log R) private inputs, where A_i is the number of txs in subnet i at the span in between Src and Dst, and R is the number of active subnets. For some concreteness, with current parameters, \log R is at most 160.

The solution as is requires each L1 node to keep track of and compute SQC_i for all R subnets that are active, and subnets never become deactivated. Effectively this creates a “registry” of subnets. Thought must be devoted to prevent unlimited growth of this registry or spamming attacks.

I propose implementing pruning of the subnets: nodes will also store the last (selected chain) DAA score at which subnet i was updated, and subnets will only be considered active if the current DAA score is less than finality-depth greater than the last update on the subnet.

If subnets become indisputably inactive, their stored data can be thrown away completely during pruning. This ensures a bound on the number of active subnets at any given time.

Naive use of Merkle trees may result in recalculation of the entire tree at every block. To prevent this constant recalculation, I advocate using sparse Merkle trees.

For ease of syncing and general data tracking, SQC_i(B) should be updated to explicitly contain the last DAA score subnet i was updated at, e.g.,
SQC_i(B)=H(DAA(B),H(SQC_i(B.sp),t_{i_1},...t_{i_k})) whenever an update occurs.

A sketch of the structure of subnets history is provided below:

The pruning means that a subnet should make at least a single tx every finality-depth blocks if it wishes not to be pruned. Finality depth is planned to be about half a day after the 10bps hard fork. It appears to me like a reasonable requirement of a subnet to demonstrate its activity by issuing a tx every 12 hours.

Nevertheless, there is value in allowing a fallback mechanism in case that for whatever reason a subnet has been pruned prematurely. Hence I suggest we add another branch to SQC(B)'s sparse Merkle tree, called SQC_{TOT} (B)=H(SQC(B.sp),t_1,...,t_n) which stores the total history as originally proposed, without division to subnets and without pruning. That way pruned subnets could still supply proofs - at the cost of waiving all optimizations.^2 Another advantage of maintaining this divisionless branch, is that it maintains the original ordering of the accepted txs in their entirety, which may be required for some applications that choose to track all txs.

[1] Previously @michaelsutton suggested H(MR(SQC(B.sp),t_1, t_2...t_n)). The current reasoning to use a Merkle tree instead of a cumulative hash mostly reduces to overloading the new field with the responsibility previously kept by the Accepted Transactions Merkle Tree field, or possibly, the responsibilities of the Pchmr field proposed in KIP6 - if we later choose to implement a “logarithmic jumps” lookout into history instead of the linear one described here.
This kind of decisions are to be made at a later stage and I see fit to decouple them from the subject at hand.

[2] It is worth emphasizing that while a proof end point must refer to a relatively recent block for it to be valid, its starting point can be arbitrarily old.


I think that some L2s will be interested to know the order between 2 transactions from 2 different subnets. SQC-TOT will allow to extract this information as well, but maybe it worth considering to extend definition of the leaves to be subnet transaction and global sequence number ( sequence number of the transaction in the global acceptance order in this block ).


You’re right, that’s probably the better way to go. For the fallback mechanism we only really need SQC(B.sp) rather than anything else, and hashing the global index alongside the tx will prevent the need to hash all txs twice.


@FreshAir08 - can you please unfold this a bit … I can see how SMT helps for proof of non-inclusion ( very useful in some zk cases …), but where / how SMT will decrease CPU side computation done by Kaspa L1 ?

Following the conversation, I’d like to make a final proposal/recap combining all: hierarchic subnets; subnet expiry; global mergeset sequence number and elements of KIP-6.

I’ll use \psi, \psi_i as short for SQC, SQC_i.


  • mergeset(B) := [t_1, ..., t_n] denotes the sequence of n txs accepted by block B in order
  • for each subnet i, let t_{i_1}...t_{i_k} be those transactions within mergeset(B) that belong to subnet i.
    Note that i_j is the original index within mergeset(B) of the j'th subnet tx.
  • we (abuse notation and) say i \in mergeset(B) iff there exists a tx in mergeset(B) which belongs to subnet i
  • B.sp_i is the i'th selected parent starting from B. I.e., B.sp = B.sp_1, (B.sp).sp = B.sp_2 and so on.
  • Denote expiry(i, B) := bluescore(B) - bluescore(B.sp_m); where B.sp_m is the most recent chain ancestor of B such that i \in mergeset(B.sp_m); or genesis if no such block.

Definition 1:

\psi_i(B) :=

  • \psi_i(B.sp); iff i \notin mergeset(B)
  • H(\psi_i(B.sp), (t_{i_1}, i_1), ..., (t_{i_k}, i_k)); otherwise

Definition 2:

\psi(B) := MR(\psi(B.sp_1), \psi(B.sp_2), ..., \psi(B.sp_{2^m}), \psi_i(B) \text{ }| \text{ for all } i \text{ s.t. } expiry(i, B) \le F) where F is some expiry constant, and m is set in a way detailed later.

The above definition of \psi(B) accomplishes the following:

  • Subnets can prove their execution in O(\text{subnet activity}) time as long as there’s at least a single subnet tx every F epoch (nit: each proof requires additional O(log(\text{#non-expired-subnets}) + log(\text{mergeset-tx-limit})))
  • The size of the maintained subnet tree (supporting the construction of \psi(B)) is bounded by the number of non-expired subnets which in turn is bounded by F\cdot \text{mergeset-tx-limit} (assuming a worst-case scenario where each tx in the epoch belongs to a unique subnet).
  • By setting F\approx \text{pruning-period-len} we get a balance where tree storage requirements are only a fraction of the storage required for keeping header and transaction data in the pruning period on the one hand, while maintaining efficient subnet proving requires only a single tx per F epoch on the other hand (which can be thought of as minimal tax paid by any reasonable non-spam subnet).
  • The addition of the global indices i_1, ..., i_k hashed within def. 1 allows proving cross-subnet DAG order relations.
  • The series \psi(B.sp_1), \psi(B.sp_2), ..., \psi(B.sp_{2^m}) embedded within \psi(B) is set such that B.sp_{2^{m+1}} would be below the previous pruning/posterity point (see KIP-6 by @Deshe2). This construction can be used to prove arbitrary transaction acceptance in the L1 DAG throughout history with the same θ(log(N)loglog(N)) complexity suggested in the KIP (technically this might require switching H to MR in def. 1).
    Note that we do this without going through the header-chain, thus not providing PoChM explicitly, nor the possibility to prove transaction inclusion.

The mention of using SMR’s @reshmem is not in relation to non-inclusion proofs but rather for efficiently managing a mutating key-value tree with log depth and with in-consensus semantics. The key here is the subnet id and \psi_i(B) is the mutating value. Keeping a dense tree for all active (non-expired) subnets, would require mutations and tree rebalancing strategies which are hard to form in-consensus. Reinvestigating this, I guess we can also use a Patricia Tree (with another hashing layer over keys) which might provide better density tradeoffs.

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I noticed that expired subnets can prove inactivity by providing a non-inclusion proof every F epoch. I.e., by showing subnet i is not included in \psi(B), you essentially prove there was no activity for the F epoch prior to B. So a subnet inactive for T time will only require O(T/F) proof steps.

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